How to Select the Right ATS with Confidence

For many organizations, an applicant tracking system (ATS) is one of the first critical purchases for Talent Acquisition leaders when building the recruitment tech stack. In fact, it’s one of the most relied-on hiring tools for 98% of Fortune 500 companies. An ATS helps recruiters and the broader hiring team throughout the hiring process, from the time a new role is posted all the way to the offer stage.

However, it can be challenging to know where to start when researching and selecting the right ATS for your organization. There are numerous great options available, including Lever, Greenhouse, Workday, and SmartRecruiters. The abundance of information can be overwhelming.

To start the search for the Right ATS with confidence, you must understand the needs of your recruitment team and hiring managers.

Assessing the hiring process without data can be difficult. If you haven’t yet implemented an ATS, your data may be limited or unreliable. Take the time upfront to understand what’s happening (or not) at each hiring stage. Avoid making assumptions about what may be needed. It’s essential to audit your process to confirm what’s working well and where the gaps may be.

Assess your hiring process by:

  • Talking with all relevant teams involved in the hiring process (recruiters, hiring managers, and leadership) to understand the end-to-end process, as well as any challenges and opportunities.
  • Understanding who owns which pieces of the hiring process and their time commitments.

The 5 Steps of the ATS Selection Process

  1. Prioritize Non-Negotiables vs. Nice-to-Haves

Based on what you learned from your hiring process audit, determine which ATS features are most critical and will support and elevate your current process. Some features to consider include:

  • Job posting
  • Applicant flow
  • Employer branding
  • CRM capabilities
  • Interview scheduling
  • Reporting and analytics

You may not need all features right away, but choose a partner that can provide what you need as you grow. Understand your hiring plan and any upcoming major hiring initiatives.

  1. Do Your Research

Pay attention to relevant customer reviews, particularly from companies similar in size and stage. Review sites like G2 allow for side-by-side comparisons of different ATS platforms. Speak with colleagues and others in your network who have recently gone through an ATS implementation for real-time feedback.

Pro tip: Do your homework beforehand to shortlist your top three ATSs for demos and deeper dives. For a starting point, check out this Forbes article analyzing top ATS contenders based on diverse criteria.

  1. Ensure Tech Stack Compatibility

Ensure that any ATS on your shortlist will seamlessly integrate with your existing recruiting tools and systems. Avoid getting too far down the path without understanding any limitations or additional investment impacts.

  1. Include Your Team

Involve relevant stakeholders in the decision-making process. A successful implementation depends on the team’s buy-in. While it may not be feasible to speak with everyone, consult key stakeholders to understand their concerns and plans for growth. Include technical support to ensure they are informed and on the same page.

  1. Get the Most for Your Money

It can be challenging to determine costs before speaking with a representative. Pricing models vary based on company size and hiring needs. Understand potential additional costs, such as implementation and data migration fees. Fortunately, there are options for almost any budget.

Choose Your ATS Wisely

By following the steps outlined above, you’re on your way to finding the best ATS for your team and organization.

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-Candice *a big thank you to Hayli Thornhill for contributing to this post*